Disability Resources can provide accessible copies of course materials in alternative formats for eligible students.
To make a request, check the status of requested materials, or complete other tasks for alternative format materials, select the Alternative Formats link in the My Accommodations box on the left-hand side of the AIM portal.
NOTE: Students must have already requested their accommodations for the semester for which they are requesting books in order for alternative format options to be available.
Adding a new request from the bookstore list
From the Alternative Formats page, students can review a list of materials listed with the bookstore for their courses.
To make a request for any of the materials listed, choose the Select option beside any item.
Once requested, the status of each request is viewable by the student.
Please note: The bookstore may list several versions of the same item (print versus e-book). Review carefully each item before requesting it as to avoid duplicate requests.
Adding a new request for materials not listed with the bookstore
From the Alternative Formats page, students can make requests for materials required for a class that have not been made available to the bookstore. (This may also apply for articles provided in Canvas or research materials).
Complete the Additional Book or Reading Materials form with as much detail as possible for each item being requested. (The more information provided, the quicker the request can be fulfilled).
Once submitted, students can track the status of each item on the Alternative Formats page.
Downloading requested materials as they are completed
From the Alternative Formats page, review the list of materials requested.
When the status of a request is partially completed or finished entirely, select the red, download button to view available files.
Files can be opened or downloaded on the resulting page.
Please note: Disability Resources requires students to read and acknowledge an Alternative Format Services Agreement when approved for this accommodation. The agreement explicitly states students are not to share materials with anyone and are to delete alternative format versions of materials once they have completed the course and/or no longer have possession of their original copy.
Uploading a receipt for requested materials
From the Alternative Formats page, use the Upload a Book Receipt form to submit a purchase receipt or rental slip.
Choose the option to upload a copy of the receipt or rental slip.
Select the class for which this receipt applies.
Add any additional notes to assist our staff in processing this receipt (Example: Specify the book requested or if someone with our office asked for the receipt or rental slip).
Please note: We do not require students to submit proof of purchase unless requested by the textbook publisher or one of our partners.