The Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal sector employers nationwide with highly motivated postsecondary students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs.
- Find an internship or permanent position at federal agencies
- Explore careers in the federal service
- Gain interviewing experience
To be eligible for the WRP, students must be current, full-time undergraduate or graduate students with a disability, or have graduated within one year. Students must also be U.S. Citizens.
- For the Fall 2024 process, current students and students who have graduated on or after April 1, 2022 are eligible to participate.
Application Requirements
In order to participate in the WRP, students must:
- REGISTER: Complete the online registration application (registration is scheduled to open August 26, 2024 and close on October 15, 2024) through the Student Self Registration page.
- GET APPROVAL: The College Coordinator at Disability Resources will verify that the student applicants who register have a disability and are attending (or have attended) Texas A&M University.
- COMPLETE APPLICATION: Upload a resume, transcript and any optional materials to the WRP website prior to the time of their interview with a WRP recruiter. Complete accommodation request forms (for the interview), if needed. (Deadline: October 17, 2024)
- INTERVIEW: Participate in an informational interview (October 28 -November 20, 2024) with an WRP recruiter. Most interviews are conducted by phone or video conference software. Communication accommodations are available.
Please note that students who participated in the WRP last year and want to participate again this year must register online, complete the online application and be interviewed by a recruiter again.
Items to be obtained and/or completed by the student and submitted online prior to the interview:
- (Required) Resume – must be uploaded on the “Manage Documents” page of the online application. Word documents are required.
- (Required) College transcript(s) – official or unofficial transcripts or copies of transcripts are acceptable. Transcript(s) must be uploaded on the “Manage Documents” page of the online application in order for the student’s application to be complete. Word or other text documents are strongly encouraged.
- (Suggested) Schedule A Letter – Schedule A Certification Letters may be uploaded to the “Manage Documents” page of the online application. Please see “Sample Schedule A Letter” and Schedule A Checklist for Candidates under the Resource page for guidance.
- How to Obtain A Schedule A Letter
- Note: Disability Resources staff cannot sign your Schedule A letter. Only licensed medical professionals or vocational rehabilitation counselors can sign off on these letters.
- (Optional) Any additional supporting documents, such as letters of recommendation, writing samples, etc. Additional documents must be uploaded on the “Manage Documents” page of the online application.